Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Wedding

I attended a traditional wedding reception - the bride was the teacher of one of my students Mia. Some customs are shared with the west and others are quite different. As the only non-asian in attendance i was greeted with visible misgivings, possibly even mistrust, (I was not afraid - but it was slightly uncomfortable), it made me appreciate how minorities in the west must feel, but again i was fortunate i did not feel any threat. As i looked out into a sea of nonsmiling, mistrust, I bowed my head slightly and smiled warmly, and relief, my smile was instantly returned, and i was made to feel welcome.

The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, the event closed the narrow street where a tent for some relief from the afternoon sun, had been installed. The dogs and chickens that roamed the streets, appeared to respect the formality of the event and did not try to join the guests under the tent.

before entering the tented area, a table had been set with a guest book and a large box where guest's deposited envelopes. Mia and i split the gift, each giving 50,000 rupiah (80,000 RP=$10US). It is customary to give cash, only immediate family members give gifts.

Guests paraded in line through the small home, past the guests of honour - the bride and groom and their families. The wedding party met the reception line with each giving a 2 handed handshake that was as featherlight as butterfly wings. A long table of prepared foods awaited guests after they had greeted the bride and groom.

I am an adventurous eater, so i will try things... even those which i have no clue as to what they are. the food was good, though i never did truly discover what exactly I had eaten. Different from western tradition, after the food was consumed, guests leave to make room for those who follow.

I heard that over 500 attended. we were among the earlier guests.


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