Thursday, May 18, 2006

Lessons of the week...

I still cant believe the number of dragon flies... I have tried to think of words to help you appreciate the numbers... and today I got it... you know in the spring when the poplar trees are throwing off those white fluffy seeds, that make it look like it is snowing.. today, that is what the volume of the dragonflies reminded me of... hope that gives a better idea of tons LOL

Classes are going well... the people are just great, I am pleasantly suprised at their progression, given that english is a second, sometimes third language, they are at par with north american/english speaking at this point... amazing... I have found that training goes a little slower, as I do repeat things a couple of ways to make sure they understand. Plus I have invented a new language... you have heard of ASL American Sign Language... well I am using the CSL - Computer Sign Language. Without even realizing my classes now include charades... LOL whatever it takes to help them understand...LOL I will say that although very effective, it is quite draining on me!

My students have taken to bringing me 'offerings' food they bring from home for me to try... always interesting - it doesnt always taste that good to me...

Today the banquets department brought in the daily snack... it looked like dried worms... i am brave however, just couldnt bring myself to try that one... A student brought me over a plate... how do you say no... I tried... mmm deep fried banana strips... I laughed and confess to the class, my nervousness at eating worms... they assured me it was banana... I told them of my new technique for Indonesian food...cover my eyes, eat and see how it tastes...

it seems that stuff that looks good, is all looks and doesnt taste that good and the stuff that looks disgusting tastes fab... go figure...

I have been amazed at how the brown sugar tastes... sugar is sugar right? wrong... this stuff is amazing... finally had to ask... it comes from the coconut not sugar beet or sugar cane...

very cool, the stuff I am learning...

Being that we are on the island of Java, I asked about local coffee production... it is not done in this region... rather we are surrounded by tea plantations... (made me think of you dad!)

Oh and also in the thinking of dad vein... they love kites here... the hotel is high on a hill, and the people in the valley below, fly homemade kites... from the valley floor they rise up well past the level that I am at... at certain times i can see as many as 10 kites, dotting the sky...


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