Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Another Wedding...

One of the men in my class Dewa invited me to his wedding reception... He told me the party was to be held at his home - not his parents... though he said 'you may not want to come, my home is bad, not like the hotel.' Now, since I have been here I have seen many places that when seen through western eyes - would be considered 'less' however, my time here has taught me to look through fresh eyes, the eyes of a child. I stopped the conversation and asked him if there was love in his home... surprised he said well yes... Then your home can never be bad - if there is love there.

Candidly I was quite surprise by the invite... especially when he told me he would come pick me up at the hotel. My thoughts raced...first thought NO WAY am I getting on the back of one of those motorcycles (not going to happen) second thought women are women no matter what country - and if my husband on our wedding day went to a hotel to pick up some strange blond woman... I would be angry. So thinking fast I asked if I could bring someone... thinking of my friend Yohanes, that way I could make an appearance and leave when I wanted. He said of course.

I talked with Yohanes and he graciously agreed to accompany me. It turns out that none of the hotel staff had been invited - only me... not to sure why I was invited, but did hear that others were a little offended at not being invited.

Sunday afternoon, we hired a cab and headed to Dewa's house... took about 1/2 hour we had a little trouble finding the house... When we got out of the cab an older gentleman came running out of the house and asked with a thick accent... you miss carol... I smiled; he introduced himself as Dewa's father and pulled me into the house. Turns out the bride and groom weren’t there - they had left to see her father a tradition, that is done the day before the wedding but something else had come up... so they went today...

So here I am at the reception surrounded by a room full of people who don’t speak any English with the exception of Dewa's father whose English skills are 25% at best. I received a tour of the house...true confession time... I had prepared myself for what Dewa referred to as 'bad' in my minds eye - dirt floor, corrugated tin roof etc. this could not be further than where I was... it was large, 2 stories and sparsely furnished. The outside of the house was neutral in colour, surprisingly the inside of the home was painted in bright bold colours reminded me of a Mexican fiesta.

There was of course no air-conditioning and it was quite warm inside, so I opted to sit out on the front patio. It was a large space with a cement pond, complete with goldfish.

For an hour we sat waiting for Dewa - it was so warm I was feeling ill, the parents kept trying to feed us... but after getting so sick after the wedding in Bandung I couldn’t take the chance - I have a busy week. Finally Dewa's father said we will try to call him... a few moments later they handed me the phone... Dewa is apologizing profusely, telling me he is so sorry and embarrassed and ashamed he is not there - I assured him his family had taken good care of me... he offered to rush back... no I told him, I have to get back to the hotel.

So that was it - I sat for over an hour in a group of people and we could not communicate. It is a good thing that smiling is universal.

On the way back to the hotel, we passed a mall... so of course I had to stop and pick up a few things... My latest discovery Bandrek - Ginger tea... very strong ginger tea... but good... Also discovered these mints... very different taste, I looked at the ingredients - barley and mint... very pleasant taste... so got a couple of bags to bring home with me...

Tomorrow begins the end of my stay - the next week will zoom by...


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