Saturday, July 22, 2006

Pathong Beach (sound familiar?)

If the name rings a bell, and it might... as this was one of the areas severely effected by the tsunami. This was a bay that i remember seeing on the news, as the wall of water swept in...

the bay is lovely, beautiful blue water ringed by high rising green slopes. There are, only in the distance, signs of the damage from the tsunami in 2004. I have heard, as tourism is of such economic importance, great efforts were made to get things cleaned up, even taking the steps in some areas to bring in full grown palms and replanting to return the area to it's former glory. (FYI the hotel I am staying at only experienced a small rise in the ocean level, it is estimated it was about 8 feet the majority of which just washed up the beach and was absorbed by the lagoon surrounding the hotel. I understand about 35 ground floor rooms received water damage and no lives lost there... a small consolation to an area that was just so devasted.)

So the trip to the city, it is truly a resort town catering to the visiting tourists. Restaurants and shops run the length of the bay. There are no buildings on the oceanside of the street which makes it quite nice for walking... a breeze from the water helps one to forget that it is so darn warm.

Oh I should mention something unique... tuktuk (pronounced tooktook)these are 'cabs' notice i put that in quotes... they are short little narrow truck like vehicles that where the bed portion of a truck would be, are rows of seats ringing the bed area, the tuktuk does have a roof over the area that the people sit. Although I have not taken a ride in one, I hear they are not very comfortable as riders experience ever bump in the road. They are sort of cute to look at though...and there are sooo many of them.

Thailand has a claim to fame (besides Thai food, elephants and Buddas) it is know for it's amazing prices on software - cds and dvds... found a shop with a fair number of dvds bought quite a few... including all four Harry Potters for mom...I mean the grandkids (LOL) and the cost was $2 US each...

Had a wonderful dinner in a restaurant overlooking the bay... where we watched the sunset over the water - breath taking...

After dinner it was time to stroll on the beach... I am sure it will be surprising that this is in fact the first time I dipped my toes in the water since I arrived (nearly 3 weeks ago)...

(See I do actually have work to do and i just havent had the time) also truth be told, although there is a lovely beach at the hotel I was warned not to go in the water as this time of year the riptides are incredibly strong... even in knee deep water, no one is the water at the hotel...

The water was warm, but not as warm as expected given the high air temperatures, I figured it would be more like Lake Erie during those hot days where the water at ankle depth is like bath water... but being a sea the waves are always rolling... the sand did feel good between my toes - barefeet felt good after a day of walking on city streets...

It was a nice relaxing day... and one, i might add was well deserved and very much has been long work hours and numerous challenges - you know, those opportunities for personal growth and development... that is the PC way to say that this is a tough one!

It was time to head back to the hotel... tomorrow a couple of hours of work to do AND I plan on another massage LOL


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