Friday, November 16, 2007

Me and Willy - "On the road again..."

yep, back in Asia... love those flyer miles... done over 100k already (no dinner in Finland this year) :-)

here is Singapore... first time I have been... reminds me of canada... the city is amazingly clean, if i dare say even cleaner than canada... the people are a mix of chinese, malaysian, and indian... it is the indian population that surprised me...

the people are friendly and helpful and confident... it can be a fine line between confident and condesending.... I truly go back and forth on interpreting them and their actions... time will tell...

the hotel is lovely or it will be once the construction is finished... should mention that the cheapest, the room i am staying in will ever be booked at, is around $400 US/night... ladies we are talking dream bathroom... marble everywhere a claw tub in the center of the room position such that there would be no neck strain while watching tv... oh the tv that is mounted in the bathroom mirror (how cool is that - love technology)...

though we have moved in... things are not quite there yet... tv, internet and phones are not hooked up in the rooms yet... and the construction noise is never ending... from 7:30 in the morning until 11 pm... it is getting annoying... there is no relief from the noise...

so just to get a brief reprieve - headed to china town... amazing... china town here looks like china town in every other city... did check out a couple of temples... rather impressive... i went with a new yorker Wendy who is here to train the software/policies for the spa... she took a few pics - i'll see if she'll email them to me...

trying to make things feel normal, and make time pass, I am in the training room - the only place in the hotel with internet... checking email and blogging, while the computer that is at the front linked to the projector is playing tunes off youtube... I kick myself a bit... was going to buy a newer technology called slingbox before I left california... but it didnt make it up the priority list... it would have allowed me to broadcast televsion from home in california to my laptop here in the training room... would have/should have/could have/ DIDN'T... i will though i will :-)


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