Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Okay I have been remiss...

i do apologize... no excuses... just busy and tired... (sorry Mary LOL)

lets recap the last 2 months....

enjoyed my brief rest at home - then back to bangkok...

you know it is feeling more and more like home...

The hotel in Bangkok was great... nice property, the people were positive and receptive to the new system... no battles - a nice change... I was able to spend a bit of time with a friend Jeed which of course just added to the experience.

As I have used public transport before, i did not hesitate in doing a bit of exploring... aka shopping... *grin* cant help it love the deal... when i have purchased cds and dvds before it was usually from a street vendor - however with temperatures and humidity BOTH in the high 90s being outside was just no fun at all... at home we say we have two seasons - winter and road construction... there they have three - hot, hotter and damn hot!

I was delighted to find a mall dedicated entirely to tech stuff... 6 floors yes 6 floors of computers, software, manuals, dvds, harddrives you name it was there... could have easily spent hundreds of dollars (US dollars) but as the airlines restrict by weight i had to limit myself...

The trip to Pan Thip Plaza was even better as a fellow trainer and friend mario was at another bangkok property... so we met at the skytrain terminal nearest the mall and walked the mile or so to shop...

Walking in Bangkok is a 'trip' you never know what you will see, the people are of diverse cultural backgrounds, the skin colours are such a blend I believe Bangkok is a true global city. even saw a couple of Monks (easily identified by the orange robes).

After hours of shopping - i dont think , I know we didnt get through all of it we decided it was time for dinner... my feet were sore and the thought of the mile plus walk back to the the skytrain held no appeal... So Mario and I opted for quick local transport... Tuk Tuk.... they look a little strange - a three wheel vehicle that rides more like a dune buggy... you experience every single bump... our driver was motivate... he drove like a demon, occasionally opting to drive in the oncoming traffic lane... weaving in out... a wild E ticket ride for sure *grin*

One evening we went to the HardRock Cafe... pretty close to 'normal' food - great company and lots of laughs...

As life is never dull - at least mine... I broke a tooth... not good... tried to work through the pain, but that just wasnt working... now those who know me know I do not like dentists... the thought of a dentist in Bangkok - yikes can you say hepatitis... the hotel made the arrangements... on the drive there... kept wondering hep A B or C...

Imagine my surprise... i was so impressed/amazed that i even took pics of the dentists offices... so 5 visits in total... a root canal and new crown and i was good to go... must say the professionalism and experience as a whole was far better than what i have experienced in the US or in Canada... and all for about 325 USD.... wow...

When we went live... we had some company... as always the trainers were there but this time the project manager, president of our branch of the company, and the asiapacific rep were there too... nothing like adding to the pressure... LOL... but it was a great team... and things went off without a hitch...

Then it was back to California... ahhh home.... only 4 days but 4 glorious days... pretty much vegged the whole time and i needed it...

a brief little jaunt to San Francisco - moms fav... we went there a few years back just her and I we had a blast... everytime I go there I remember...

I returned from San Fran and flew the next day home for Canada Day... I must say it was by far one of the best visits I have had home... cant really say why... maybe just appreciate home home more after being so far away... We celebrated the holiday out at the property... it was perfect weather around 75 much better than the weather i had been experiencing recently...

I still think the universe has a warped sense of humour.... I move to California, because of its moderate climate... yet find myself in Edmonton in January and Thailand during the hottest time of year...

Go figure :-)


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