Sunday, December 31, 2006

Farewell to 2006

As the year comes to a close, it is time to reflect...

I am tired, it has been a draining year... I consider myself to be so very fortunate, I have had the opportunity to go so many places, make so many new friends, and probably most important learn more about myself. Both on the inside and where little me fits into this great big world.

Our hearts are the same, our fears, hopes and dreams are all the same. The difference is the paths we take to get to our goals. I regret that everyone does not have the ability to experience different cultures, to see from the inside the truths of these 'other worlds'.

My world has changed forever, my views are no longer so 'self centered' rather a little more worldly.

In a way I have regarded my travels as an opportunity to be a goodwill embassador for Canada and in fact North America. Helping others to see us - as we are, not as their media portrays us, and in turn I have tried to share the truths of their worlds that our media often misrepresents.

So as we say goodbye to 2006 - I must say thank you to 'The Universe' and all the people who are part of my life... my new friends and my old ones, my family and Jim... Thank you for everything!

Life is Perspective and Perception...

AND it is always best, to CHOOSE to react than just to react.


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