Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 draws to a close

The year has been busy...

Travel primarily domestic - I do miss the newness of other cultures.

This year I said goodbye to a very dear friend Paul.

I met Paul when i was a confused 15 year old trying to interpret the world and my place in. I began my spiritual quest at that time... Paul was my spiritual guide, someone with whom i could share my 'crazy' thoughts - he would never judge. We had the most fabulous conversations.

Whenever i would go home to Canada we would always get together for a coffee or dinner and a stimulating often enlightening conversation.

Paul was diagnoised with cancer a few years back - and lost the fight late December of last year. I spoke with his daughter who told me what happened at the end... they had performed a "little" surgery and found the cancer had spread when Paul woke from surgery they told him he only had a few days.

Now, I do believe we all have our purpose, our mission, our quest or duty... you pick the label that works best for you. Paul's quest was to figure out what was next... what is on the other side. In keeping with his quest after learning his time to leave was close - he told his daughter he was not afraid - rather excited to see what was next...

that was Paul :-)

the bad icky feelings we have are not for the person who is gone but rather for our loss. I miss Paul - for what he gave to me... He was one person who knew me... all of me... he knew how messed up i was as a teenager and now he was proud of me... the me that I had grown into.

I will miss him....

I know that those few paragraphs could be perceived as negative...

Please do not interpret them that way...

Rather join me in celebrating a life that helped to make me who I am.

The Universe doesn't give you the people you want, it gives you the people you NEED - To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be

there are so many people I celebrate being in my life I hesitate in listing names, for fear I would miss someone...

I love you all - and wish you the best in the new year.

May all the energy you chose to share with the world come back to you times two.


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