Sunday, June 04, 2006

Wrapping things up

The time to leave is fast approaching...

The climax of my time here was the successful completion of the task at hand... turning on the new system. I am so pleased at how well things went. I was prepared (which I kept to myself) for things to go horribly wrong... but yippie! it was one of the best!

Did learn a little more of the language... while driving through the city noticed a sign that read Cat Oven... now this did make me a little nervous... was that really chicken we had been eating in the restaurant? *grin* found out that Cat is actually pronounced Chat so it is Chat Oven (Paint Oven)... when I shared with the site my concerns, they were a little confused until I said 'meow' oven and mentioned i was considering becoming vegetarian... it really was quite funny.

The last night in Bandung, the hotel staff took the trainers out to a wonderful restaurant high on a mountain top, overlooking the city. There were over 20 people who attended. It was fantastic, the food, the view and of course the company.

I pulled a real 'boner' play... in shaking a bottle of ketchup the flip top opened and sprayed ketchup over 2 of the guests seated beside me... I felt so bad, the table erupted in hysterical laughter and thankfully the gentlemen wearing the ketchup handled it with style... One of my fellow trainers seemed unable to let it go after 20 minutes... it was time to move on... he wouldnt let it go... so I whispered to him if he didnt drop it - I would drop him! I laughed but the message was received.

I did try to convince them it was a Canadian tradition to cover guests in ketchup, but they werent buying it LOL

I really am, sad to leave, I have made friends and experienced a time that I will remember all my life. For a small town girl to have the opportunity to travel to the other side of world is for me, a dream come true.

Mom asked me where I would like to go to next... my reply... where ever the path leads me. For if I had been given the choice of where to go in Indonesia, I doubt I would have selected Bandung, a city in the mountains, far from the beautiful beaches of Bali.

I am so very greatful to have had this experience, to be accepted and welcomed with open arms, by a people who's sincerity is demonstrated in all they say and do. I once again consider myself to be blessed.

So as I say goodbye to friends who have been family, and a country that has been home, I look forward to continuing the adventure of life on the road...