Sunday, May 03, 2009

NYC The Big Apple

now I know there are many, including some of my collegues who were a little jealous that i was to spend a month here.

Truly, I was dreading it... the sounds are the biggest assult that i fear...

I am here...

I commute daily - it only took 3 days until i could get directly to where i was going and back to where i started. now mind you - the first day I went to Queens (did i mention that I am in Manhattan) so rather out of my way... so i did the uturn and headed back... except that time i got on an express train and shot right by the stop i wanted...

Thanks to the swine flu scare, the trips on the subway are an adventure in paranoia... not me... but all those around me... sort of funny truly... seeing some people taking 'no chances' and wearing masks... yet they touch the everything in the subway... hope they wash their hands.

so the hotel - in Times Square - actually about a block from where the ball drops. a bit away but still well within the chaos that is the big city. To those who have never been the best way to describe NYC is it is like christmas shopping EVERYDAY.

The staff was quite kind... Theresa, took me to an authentic chinese restaurant, so authentic that the menu was only in chinese LOL and the IT guy, he had seasons tickets to the yankees, gave me two seats... so a collegue and i ate a Nathans hot dog, and watched a yankees game (they beat the rangers)...

finally the cherry on top...

the day i left the staff arranged my transport to the airport... imagine my surprise... a stretch limo... how cool is that LOL