Friday, December 07, 2007

And so Singapore continues…

we know that life is balance – up/down, in/out…

Speaking of down… this one is tough – new installs are always an adventure…

I can deal with… no internet, no phone, no tv, no food on site… but let me tell you the (*&^%*! Construction noise is doing me in… my throat is sore from yelling over it to train… and sleep HA! I am sleep deprived… that jackhammer starts at 11 minutes after 8 in the morning and goes no kidding till at least 11pm – some nights till midnight… my brain is weary…

On the upside… I have met some really nice people – others who are here to help with the install… I mentioned Wendy who is with the spa, met an Australian girl Emma, who is with the F&B side of things… and there is this older man who is training the butlers… yes I said butlers (one on every floor)… he is very interesting… born in England, moved to New Zealand and then Australia where he served under the Governor of Australia… he has waited on many of the world’s royals… quite the interesting tales… he is prim and proper and a perfect gentlemen’s gentleman… like what you see on tv… but he is able to loosen up and is quite a hoot!

Also, I do believe that Singapore is the most decorated city for Christmas that I have ever seen… I have made it a bit of a game to try and figure out what new was added to the streets and buildings while I slept (or tried to lol) seriously every night more is added…

I have wandered a bit, hoping to find a perfect ‘Singapore souvenier’ but there really isn’t one… it is such a blend of cultures that there is nothing uniquely Singapore… who knows maybe something will jump out at me but thus far I have seen it in my travels before… hmmm that sort of bums me… I like the newness aspect… ah, time will tell.

Construction delays have forced the site to delay opening until the 22nd of December, with live coverage continuing until the 25th – uh ya, that doesn’t work for me…*grin* the other trainers will depart on the 14th and return the 21st I will depart as originally scheduled… so should be interesting… back to that whole never dull thing…

More upside… those days while I am here will be minimal coverage – so I will have spare time… maybe take Wendy up on her test the spa offer… you know I must have a massage in every country…

I do have a unique experience planned for tomorrow… ah very unique… but I will wait and tell you that one in the next post… (gotta keep you coming back!)