Friday, April 13, 2007

New Year's Thai Style

Songkran Festival brings in the new year... This year it was April 13th...

Tradition goes that water is to be sprinkled on the elders by the younger people as a tribute of respect and blessings. In addition white powder/paste is dabbed on the face as protection and promises to ward off evil.

Well, as many traditional celebrations - the steps of the past get modernized...

The modern Thai - chase each other around with glasses, pails, buckets and any container that will hold water to 'bless' each other - actually it has all the energy of good old fashioned water balloon fight...

As the New Year falls in the middle of the hottest time of year - this water ritual is quite refreshing...

It was amusing that some staff members had taken it to the next level and had filled a large vat/tub with water and would grab/drag each other - dropping them into the tub - for a full soaking...

The day culminated with the hotel's management jumping fully clothed into one of the swimming pools LOL

And yes I did get wet :-) and was given the powder treatment - so evil spirits should stay away.