Friday, February 09, 2007

Blink Factor is in effect...

Good news made it to the San Diego airport and on to DFW to connect... hmm what do you mean there are no flights from DFW to Baltimore... this has to be a joke or a giant conspiracy of the universe... how close can you get me? Dulles - hmm a $130 cab ride to the hotel... but no choice...

A week in Baltimore, then on to Chicago for 2 week at week at 2 different sites... usually I stay 5 - 6 weeks on property so 3 weeks should be a breeze, except one minor difference this was 21 days in a row - no days off...

So when I returned to San Diego Saturday - 3 weeks later (Jim picked me up in Tibby) I was exhausted... but the good news was two weeks on office time (work from home). I needed the sleep...

here is where the blink came in... Monday morning I am told to book to Knoxville, departing tomorrow (Tues) returning Sat... Of course I did it... but I dont think I have ever been this exhausted in my life... not sure how i am functioning to be candid usually when i am tired i say it is adrenelin but i think i have burned through that LOL

so, here I am, it is Friday - I am in Knoxville and get to head home tomorrow for a week off before heading to Melborne Australia for a one week post audit... my plan is to not answer the phone, or email next week for fear someone will need me to go some where... *grin* though I have made up my mind if they ask this time I am going to say no... i mean... NO! I am getting worried about burn out, I am almost there... so sleep and r&r are the plan for this next week.